Female behind a laptop with a heartValeriaVG

Me & React: 5 Years in 15 Minutes

#javascript, #react, #frontend

I first heard of React when a friend showed me a project he had written. It was some sort of content management system: it had tables, forms, visual editors and stuff like this. I don't remember much, except that code was really really confusing

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10 Reasons NOT to Use Go for Your Next Project

#webdev, #go, #node, #irony

They say Go is the language of the web. Of course, with Google backing it up it sounds very objective! But is it as good as they say? I can think of cases where it wouldn't be a good fit

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How Build a Web App in 11 Minutes and Fall in Love With Sveltekit

#svelte, #node, #webdev, #tutorial

It's been a long time since I got excited about a framework. I often advocate for reinventing the wheel, how come I'm writing an ode to a framework? Short answer because SvelteKit is very good, even though it's still in beta. The long answer is ahead.

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